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I couldn't figure out what button 1 is on keyboard and mouse was. I like the aesthetics though.

I found out that Button 1 on a keyboard is the O (not zero) key, not sure why the online SMS emulator uses that rather than z & x.

It's not an SMS emulator, I chose the letter O as it was in the middle of WASD and arrow keys so both types of movement scheme could use letter O key easily.

In hindsight a simpler option like spacebar would've been better.


Oh? It's not a SMS emulator? It looks like a SMS game, unless this is a Godot game running in HTML5. If so that's cool, but I would love to see this as a SMS ROM.


Yes, this is an HTML5 game but I'm planning to make an SMS version in the future!


Oh awesome! I can't wait! I'll be honest and say that when I first saw this I thought it was a SMS ROM. No wonder there isn't a download button yet! lol!


A very well-made, fun, and beautiful game inspired by the Sega Master System. Everything is absolutely stunning, from the puzzles and gameplay to the art and music! This should definitely be on your radar for playing and having fun. Congrats, helpcomputer. Always with good quality games!


Amazing aesthetics, love to see something heavily inspired by classics (reminds me of Annalynn, a recent throwback like this). Congratulations on the awesome submission!


Nice. Reminds me of my 8-bit micro computer days.


I'm diggin the art style and music.

Thank you!




Nice. How many levels does it have?

Thanks! It has 20.