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(1 edit) (+1)

Just so everyone knows this game runs wonderfully with the Mesen emulator. In Mesen you can use a thumb or joystick to emulate what it would feel like if played in an actual arcade.

I would only suggest adding additional graphics modes such as mono and modes for people with visual impairments and color blindness. Things like adding darker boarders/better contrast in the background scenes especially in the buildings as they would appear washed out to someone with low vision.

Any recommended emulator?

I use Emulicious, I believe it's the most accurate.


It also runs wonderfully with Mesen.


Very fun! Also very hard!
Would be nice if dashing could be disabled, lots of accidental dashing into bullets


Thanks for playing! Dashing will be important to other parts of the game later so ideally I don't want to make it entirely optional. It does get easier to use with practice.


Fair enough. I guess it's because of console limits it can't be a separate button.
I'll do my best with getting used to it!


Yeah exactly, it's tough to find a good input for it. I've toned down the sensitivity so I'll see what the broad feedback is.


wow, what a fun game!!!

